Gibraltar Pride  

Gibraltar - We Thank You


The Gibraltar Pride 2014 Planning Committee would like to thank the many organisations, associations and individuals that supported Gibraltar Pride 2014. Without the help and support of many we would not have achieved the objectives of what we set out to do many months ago.

We extend our gratitude to; the Equality Rights Group for allowing this committee to work through our ideas and plans, turning them into a reality; the Government of Gibraltar, the Hon. Chief Minister and the respective Ministers for Equality, Tourism, Culture and Education for their support and believing in what we set out to achieve; to Members of the Opposition who supported with their attendance and well wishes; the staff at the Gibraltar Tourist Board and the Ministry of Culture for helping us with the organisation of the events and for their hospitality towards our guests, all of which has so positively promoted Gibraltar and the pride we share; the staff at the Department of Education; Tiger Business Solutions for the website and assistance with online promotion; the management and staff at Sunborn Hotels for their help with the opening night - perfect venue and excellent service; Francesca Martinez and her agent for an inspirational performance and display of humble solidarity towards the events and the people of Gibraltar; the Commissioner of Police and members of the Royal Gibraltar Police for their assistance and participation in the parade; St John’s Ambulance for their participation and care; the musicians of the German Band who quickly set up this band to support the parade with musical entertainment; Miss Gibraltar 2014 and Princesses; JBS for the van and generator and Fresh for the speakers and equipment that allowed us to have music for the parade; the many organisations, associations and clubs that supported us with their participation and well wishes including Gibraltar Disability Society, Gibraltar Down Syndrome Support Group, Special Olympics Gibraltar, Gibraltar Alzheimer and Dementia Society, Defenders of Gibraltar, Unite the Union, GCCA, NASUWT Gibraltar , Dignity at Work Now (DAWN) and Clubhouse Project; the individuals and organisations that helped to promote our event including GBC, YGTV, Chronicle, Panorama, La Verdad del Campo de Gibraltar, Gordon Nelson, administrators of Llanito Politics, Dusk, SFA Home, Crafty Cupcakes and  the many individuals that uploaded photos, published our press releases and shared our promotional material via social media.

A particular mention and thank you also goes to the organisers and acts of two events that formed part of Gibraltar Pride 2014;  J2 Productions the organisers of a fantastic Summer Nights event at Casemates which we coordinated with them in dedicating to Pride - Equality & Diversity, to the participants which included Henry Sacramento, Monica Ritchie, Jonathan Sacramento, Mediterranean Dance Group, Stylos, Sunaris Belly Dance, Eclipse Show, Danza Academy, Mark Eliot Montegriffo, Julia Barea and Corinne Cooper and Latin Trio who provided such great entertainment for the hundreds that attended the evening; and OMI Events and the supporting acts for their participation in the parade and their fantastic after party at Dusk - which provided the perfect way to end a great weekend full of friendly fun and celebrations.

With events such as this one there are always many people to thank. Our heartfelt thanks go to our families and friends that have supported and helped us and most important to all the people of Gibraltar and further afield that came along and joined in. All events were very well attended. Everyone involved got into the spirit of things, making this an enjoyable, historic and proud weekend.

"To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater". Bono

Gibraltar Pride 2014 Committee

Priscilla Sacramento, Henry Sacramento, Stuart Borastero, Andrew Aitchison & Donahue Cortes